Posts Tagged ‘necropsy’

Yikes! 11-Foot Blue Shark in Wellfleet Bay

Saturday, October 25th, 2008

Male Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) in Wellfleet Bay

Holy mackerel!  Has Jaws wandered into paradise?  Who will save the children?  Who will save the turtles?  Where is Quinn when you really need him?

Amazing Find on the Tidal Flats off Lieutenant Island

Not often does a large pelagic shark find its way into the shallows of Wellfleet Bay.  They prefer the deep, cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean.  On a few occasions in fall, Don has encountered basking sharks scooping plankton from high tide flooded creeks and coves within the Wellfleet Bay estuarine system.  But an 11-foot blue shark is a surprising find on the tidal flats off Lieutenant Island.  Yes, Virginia, the very same tidal flats where kids from four to one hundred four play all summer long, and much more importantly, where we all go wading in chest-high water for terrapins.  Kind-a gives you goose bumps down your spine, doesn’t it?  No doubt we’ll add another risk waiver form for interns and volunteers for the 2009 research season.

Sue Wieber Nourse Provides Sizing Perspective

Sue, proudly sporting her Williams sweatshirt, provides sizing perspective for the leviathan.   This male shark measured 3.37 meters (almost precisely 11 feet) from the point of his snout to the trailing tip of his caudal fin.  The fork length (snout to center of caudal fin fork) was about 8.5 feet.  And, yes, the more scientific length is the fork length measurement, but the 11-foot shark headline reads so much more impressively than an 8.5-foot shark. 

The dorsal fin rose 28 centimeters (11 inches) above his back. 

We had no scale nor a means to get one to the scene.  The only estimate of weight comes from Don Lewis as he moved the critter for various measurements and then for the necropsy.  His back suggests a weight in the range of 250+ pounds, supported by estimated shark length-to-weight charts.

Click Here to View Video in High Quality

Blue Shark from Tooth to Tail

What an extraordinary opportunity to examine such an apex predator at close quarters!  October’s low sun angle enhanced the shark’s blue hue, casting long, deep shadows that magnified his powerful form.  These signal moments spark heightened excitement for humans when adrenaline spikes as you approach animals that can actually eat you.  “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”  No question; you can add blue sharks to that mantra as they are listed among the top ten “world’s most dangerous sharks.”

You appreciate the animal’s lethal power as you take measurements, none more impressive than teeth size, mouth width and gape.  Once adrenaline levels subside, a feeling of sadness and a sense of loss rise.  The unexpected death of such a magnificent creature that fills a critical niche in the ocean ecosystem is disconcerting.  We hope that a quick in situ necropsy might provide a clue to this blue shark’s demise.

Bob Prescott & Brad Timm Observe as Don Lewis Prepares for Necropsy

Since “Quinn” is long gone and Greg Skomal wasn’t in town, we did the best we could without a shark expert on hand.  Between Bob Prescott (Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary director), Sue Wieber Nourse (Jaeger Chair for Marine Studies at Tabor), Brad Timm (UMass Amherst) and Don Lewis (Turtle Guy), we managed a quick examination of the blue shark’s internals.  The animal was extremely fresh.

Powerful Blue Shark with Wellfleet Bay in Background

In summary, we found no smoking gun.  No identifiable premortem injuries or abrasions. Lots of parasites in and on the liver, in the stomach and in other cavities.  Nothing else in the stomach except for a few remnant fish eye lenses and nothing else we could detect within the gastro-intestinal tract.  The GI sysem was largely devoid of food.  We collected samples of parasites, liver tissue and tissue from beneath the dorsal fin.  We have no conjecture beyond mere guesswork about the cause of death.

Open Wide and Say, “Ah”

Getting the Story & Putting You in the Picture

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

The Turtle Journal team gets close to the action to bring you inside the critical natural moment with vivid imagery and compelling video clips. 

Sue Wieber Nourse Snaps Close-Up of Emerging Hatchling

The Sony DSC-F828 serves as our workhorse research camera with a high quality Carl Zeiss lens and a manual zoom ranging from macro to ~ 135 mm telephoto.  We have two F828s, one that shows all the signs of several years of salt water and sand dunes, and a second one with only a single research season under its belt.  The F828 produces excellent digital stills, but also provides the capability to switch quickly to medium quality video to document important research events.

Terrapin Hatchling Pips through Its Eggshell

If the F828 is our workhorse, the Pentax Optio W30 with its built-in underwater capability is our pocket miracle maker.  The underwater housing serves double duty.  Surprisingly, not every field day is sunshine and light.  More days than we wish to remember are filled instead with rain, wind and storms.  For instance, the leatherback necropsy last Sunday was done outdoors (obviously) in a driving rain storm.  The only camera present that could document the post mortem was the Optio W30.  

Don Lewis Zooms In on Emerging Duo for a Close-Up

Having lost three previous digital cameras to salt water, the Optio W30 is perfect to document all action near, above and below the water line.  Its compact shape and light mass allow the camera to slip comfortably into field pockets and even bathing suit pockets.  This camera takes excellent macro video clips in QuickTime format and good quality stills when the F828 isn’t around.

Close-Up of the Emerging Duo

The one drawback with the Optio W30 is the LCD screen.  The camera fell from my swimming suit pocket about 12 inches onto sandy soil during our June field school.  The fall appears to have jarred the LCD screen which has dropped to about 10% functionality.  In essence, the camera now is a point and guess.  Still, the Optio W30 brings home some sweet imagery … when pointed in the right direction and in the right mode of operation.

The most important instrument for capturing the right shot at the right moment has nothing to do with digital anything.  If you can’t get yourself to the perfect spot at the perfect time, your top quality camera will capture a whole lot of sea gulls, sand dunes and fiddler crabs.

Sad Tale of Three Dead Leatherback Sea Turtles

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Leviathans of the sea and giants of the reptile family, leatherback sea turtles define the term superlative.  Ranging in weight up to a ton and the size of a small Volkswagen, no one who has encountered one of these living relics in the wild comes away from the experience unchanged.  They are simply magnificent beasts that peacefully ply the world’s oceans in search of slurpy jellyfish.  The open mouth of a leatherback sea turtle (see below) is perfectly configured for this quest and is the last thing that a jellyfish senses before the lights go out.

Mouth of 650+ Pound Male Leatherback Sea Turtle

Unfortunately, we humans offer them a complex series of lethal obstacles to avoid during their peaceful voyages.  Gill nets drown them, longlines hook them, propellers slice them, weirs trap them and lobster buoys entangle them.  Especially during the summer months in Cape Cod and Buzzards Bays as they chase plentiful jellyfish, endangered leatherbacks face a host of potential threats.

Male Leatherback Arrives at Wellfleet Sanctuary for Necropsy

A freshly dead 650+ pound male leatherback beached in Provincetown on Sunday and Mass Audubon’s Bob Prescott, the state sea turtle stranding coordinator, conducted a necropsy at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary to determine the cause of death and to gather scientific information to help us conserve this endangered species.  In addition to his staff, Bob (with large caliper below) was assisted by Kara Dodge, a PhD candidate at UNH and former NOAA sea turtle coordinator, and the Turtle Journal team.

Bob Prescott (Calipers), Don Lewis (Camera) and Kara Dodge (Scalpel)

Too large for normal scales, the mass of leatherbacks is determined by weighing the Mass Audubon pickup truck at the dump with the turtle inside, and then re-weighing the truck without the turtle.  The post revealed that this animal had been very healthy.  “It had everything going for it,” stated Bob and Kara.  Both flippers showed signs of a recent entanglement, but nothing so severe that these wounds would have caused death.  Instead, the cause of death was determined to be drowning.  The likely scenario for the death of such an inherently healthy animal is that it got entangled in a buoy line with both flippers wrapped in the rope and perhaps its body trunk as well.  With the last series of spring tides, the turtle may not have had sufficient line to reach the surface.  Like all turtles, leatherbacks are air breathers and will drown if held under water for a sustained period.  How this drowned animal had then become disentangled from the lines that had been wrapped tightly around its flippers is merely a matter of conjecture.

This evening we received a call from Bob Prescott that there had been a report of a dead leatherback on a Westport beach near Horseneck.  We drove out to the site and after about 30 minutes of searching, we discovered a badly decomposed and deflated leatherback sea turtle.  Talking to a local resident, we learned it had been bouncing along the beach for at least the last three days.  We estimated the carapace at approximately 161.3 centimeters, but decomposition and deflation may have altered any accurate rendering of its precise size.  Bones were exposed throughout from head to back to flippers.

Decomposed Leatherback Sea Turtle in Wesport, MA

Another decomposed, 600 pound leatherback washed ashore at Pico Beach in Mattapoisett Saturday night (  Dealing with one dead leatherback is serious as population numbers of this critically endangered species continue to plummet.  Finding two dead leatherback carcasses in a weekend is a tragedy; but three dead leatherbacks fall beyond emotions and words.  Yet, a ray of turtle hope winked through the afternoon when a call came into the Hotline.  A woman found a small 1/2 dollar size turtle in Plymouth, Massachusetts as kids were placing it in the ocean and the animal was being forced back to the shore by wave action and its own volition.  She thought she had discovered a baby sea turtle, or perhaps a diamondback terrapin hatchling.  A few questions cleared up the mystery.  Color?  Dark, almost black.  Long tail?  Yes, very long.  Bump along the tail?  Yes, like an ancient dinosaur.  Jagged edge along rear of carapace (top shell)?  Yep.  Does it have a yellow “button” in the middle of its tummy?  Yes.  Congratulations!  You are the proud holder of a snapping turtle hatchling.  With just a few more questions we discovered the local fresh water source from whence the hatchling probably came, either through its own design or more likely with the help of local kids.

Snapping Turtle Hatchling

You’re right.  Snapping turtles aren’t endangered and they’re not leatherbacks.  But that doesn’t diminish the joy in helping a hatchling find hospitable habitat where it might have a fighting chance of survival.  Saving one turtle … even a snapper … isn’t a bad way to close the day.