Archive for July, 2008

In the Wake of a Moonsnail

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

If you have the time and the tide
When a moonsnail passes,
Follow closely its trail …

In life I know
Epic tales are told
Of a great white whale

And now I know
Epic tales unfold
In a moonsnail’s trail.

Moon Snail Trail

Rehabbed Terrapin (Princess Gaia) in the Wild

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

The young female terrapin (Princess Gaia), returned to the wild on July 18th after long-term emergency care at Tufts and rehab at the National Marine Life Center, was recaptured this afternoon in the Run … about a mile from its release point at the Lieutenant Island Bridge. She was spotted hanging out with another young female almost her identical size and age. Note that the left rear leg (closest to the camera in this video) is the one that she lost from the knee down and the leg that Tufts so carefully repaired. Not too shabby for a 3 1/2 legged turtle!

Rehabbed Terrapin Recaptured in the Wild

It’s Mine!

Sunday, July 27th, 2008

Hermit crabs seem to spend most of their lives fighting over new homes. Their shell is never as good as the one that someone else occupies. Who said that we share so little in common with these humble critters?

Hermit Crabs Fighting Over Shell

Lady Meets Calamari

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

Lady crab meets squid. The chemistry is electric. No question: It’s love at first bite!

Lady Crab Devours Squid

Rescue of Princess Gaia

Saturday, July 19th, 2008

Full story (in brief) of the rescue of a serously injured, pre-pubescent female diamondback terrapin. A host of individuals and organizations took part in this miracle from her discovery stranded on a Cape Cod beach through her surgery and rehabilitation to her release back into the wild.

Rehabbed Three-Legged Terrapin Released Back into Wild