Archive for May, 2008

Lazy Day in May

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

As tidal flats warm in the May sunshine, the northernmost diamondback terrapins emerge from brumation and laze about the Run south of Lieutenant Island on the Outer Cape. This young female savors the return of springtime in the Land of Ooze.

Young Female Terrapin Swims in Sun-Warmed Tidal Pool

Terrapin Playground: Life’s a Beach!

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Mid to late May terrapins gather in mating aggregations in the Land of Ooze where we sample them for capture-mark-recapture population studies. On release they love to play in tidal creeks and streams as they head back into the Run south of Lieutenant Island.

Released Terrapins Head Back into Wellfleet Bay

Terrapin Hide & Seek — The Ostrich Technique

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

Within the diamondback terrapin world view, if the turtle can’t see you, then you can’t see the turtle. So, as long as the terrapin pokes its head deep into a seaweed clump and can’t see a thing, then it must be invisible. Blind equals invisible.

Terrapin Hides in Grassy Bottom of Chipman’s Cove

Terrapin Torpedo

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

Who said that turtles are slow? Try to keep up with this diamondback terrapin racing through salt marsh and seaweed along the Chipman’s Cove shoreline.

Terrapin Demonstrates Speed & Agility in Chipman’s Cove