2003 (Terrapin Diary)


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Terrapin Diary 2003 Index



The Mystery of Henson’s Cove — 8 January 2003

Cape Cod Terrapins Active in Sub-Freezing February Temperatures — 8 February 2003

Reunion – 9 March 2003

Spring Surprise: Cold-Stunned Terrapins – 22 March 2002

Indecent Exposure – 3 April 2003

Earth Day is Turtle Day at Wellfleet Bay – 19 April 2003

Year Without Springtime – 28 April 2003

Tabor Academy Seniors Search for Emerging Terrapins – 5 May 2003

The Cove Heats Up – 9 May 2003

“America 24/7” Visits the Land of Ooze – 14 May 2003

Busy Days – 21 May 2003

Senior Projects Focus on Turtle Research and Rescue – 24 May 2003

They’re Back! – 31 May 2003

Those Beguiling Hatchlings – 13 October 2003

Sometimes Just Being There Makes You a Hero – 14 October 2003

First Cold-Stunned Sea Turtle Rescued on Cape Cod – 24 October 2003

Four Stranded Sea Turtles in Firsty Twenty-Four Hourse – 25 October 2003

Night and Day Sea Turtle Patrols – 8/9 November 2003

Another Hybrid Sea Turtle Strands on Cape Cod – 10 November 2003

Miracles and Surprises – 5 December 2003

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