Posts Tagged ‘fresh water stream’

Meet “Snappy” at Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Sunday, September 28th, 2008

Mass Audubon‘s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, celebrating its 50th anniversary this September and featuring its upgraded nature center with Platinum-certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) designation, now hosts a series of tanks to represent the various sanctuary ecosystems from fresh water stream to Cape Cod Bay. 

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Introducing “Snappy” at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

In the fresh water tank, visitors have a chance to meet “Snappy,”  a young juvenile snapping turtle with a Hollywood A-List attitude.  Assuming ownership of the tank, Snappy is always ready to greet sanctuary visitors with his handsome smile and to illustrate “what lies beneath” all those beautiful lily pads in peaceful, pristine ponds.  Isn’t Snappy cute?