Osprey Pair Returns to Cromesett Neck Nest

Osprey Pair Return to Cromesett Neck Nest 

This afternoon, 31 March, Turtle Journal’s Sue Wieber Nourse conducted a pre-season research check at Cromesett Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Wareham, MA.  She observed that the osprey pair (Pandion haliaetus)  had returned to their nest on the east side of the tidal creek, perching high above important diamondback terrapin nesting site.

Cromesett Neck Osprey Pair

Conditions at Cromesett Neck still look a bit wintry, although almost all of the snow has disappeared, leaving a thick layer of mud in its place.  With herons at the Marion rookery and ospreys in Wareham, Buzzards Bay is slowly snapping back to life.

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