First Spotted Turtles of 2014 on SouthCoast

Male Spotted Turtle Basks in SouthCoast Pond

A brisk 44 degrees intensified by a fresh ocean breeze chilled the Massachusetts’ SouthCoast.  Nevertheless, the Turtle Journal team decided to explore a protected pond in East Marion for spotted turtles.  We had observed the first basking turtle at this pond three days ago, but we had not yet held one in our hands to see how well they had fared during this long, hard winter.  As we approached the pond, a flock of “guard” ducks took flight and quacked warning to two spotted turtles hugging the bank.  They dove for the mucky bottom of leaves, twigs and swampy debris.

Sue Wieber Nourse Examines Two Male Spotted Turtles

Undaunted by the challenge, Turtle Journal’s Sue Wieber Nourse plunged into the swamp and scooped up the surprised turtles with her bare hands.  They both were adult male spotted turtles; one was marked and the other was a first time capture.

Male Spotted Turtle #11 (First Marked in 2007)

Turtle Journal’s Don Lewis had first captured the marked turtle (#11) on April 20th, 2007 in the same location.  Within the last seven years, his measurements have not varied noticeably.  However, Spotted Turtle #11 weighs in at 185 grams today, ten grams heavier than his weight in April 2007.   The second turtle, now marked #13D, is an 8-year-old male who weighs 178 grams.  He is missing his left front limb, an injury that is well healed.   He marks the second male spotted turtle in this small pond that we have documented with a missing limb.

Spotted Turtle #11 Released Back into the Wild

After examining and documenting the two males, the Turtle Journal team released them back into the pond while the sun was still high enough to offer basking opportunities.


Male Spotted Turtles Released Back into Wild

The two lads sprinted across the grass and slid into the swampy pond.  Turtle #11 swam for deeper water in the center of the pond, while #13D hid near the bank among limbs, leaves, duck weed and debris.  You may spot his head at the end of the video, but I warn you that these turtles are incredibly camouflaged.

Two Male Spotted Turtles

This handsome duo proved healthy and they seem to have weathered the long, endless winter quite well burrowed deep under the mucky bottom of the pond.  Hopefully within the next few days we’ll see some of the gorgeous ladies who frequent this wetlands, too.

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