Three for Boston — 1 December 2000


Three Cold-Stunned Kemp’s Ridleys from Brewster and Dennis

This morning’s tide, augmented by a 20-mph northwest wind, delivered three live Kemp’s ridley sea turtles on the shores of Brewster and Dennis: one at Linnell Landing, another at Ellis Breach, and a third at Cold Storage.


Kemp’s Ridley with Internal Temperature of 41.3º F

Internal body temperatures of this batch of turtles registered around 40 degrees Fahrenheit.  The last four ridleys, which came ashore on the 29th at Duck Harbor, have all died.  Examinations showed critically low glucose levels, among other serious medical conditions, and these turtles were assessed in as poor condition as had ever been seen.

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Cold-Stunned Kemp’s Ridley in Dry Dock

So, to ensure the most aggressive treatment for today’s three, they were immediately dispatched to the New England Aquarium in Boston with the help of the National Marine Fisheries Service.

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